
Face Cream


I’m so thrilled that Mother’s Day comes along in the Spring. By this time of year, it is getting warmer, trees are gorgeous with their new leaves and full, pink blossoms, the birds are cheerful and I am reminded that Life is Good! Spring is the perfect setting to honor our mothers and all that they have done (and continue to do) for their children and grandchildren.

Recently, Mr. Marvelous and I attended a fundraising event with my parents. I was sitting directly across the table from my mom and all of a sudden I thought…. Wow… is that me in 30 years?…I sure hope so!! I look at my mom… a beautiful woman…a remarkable role model…my best friend… and think that if I can be half the mother she is I will have succeeded. Elizabeth Stone said: “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside of your body.” We don’t really know the impact of that decision, however, until it happens because becoming a parent changes us forever. We are sort of “born again” into this new person who we have yet to get to know ourselves. (Where did this crazy, protective Mama Bear come from?) Becoming a parent is the most wonderful, joyful, FRIGHTFUL life changing event I have ever experienced. As a parent, every emotion I experience is amplified. I LOVE deeper. I FEAR deeper. I LAUGH deeper. (I also yell louder and apologize more often!) I have a new sense of PRIDE when it comes to the qualities or accomplishments of my children and I gaze upon them with so much awe and wonder. My children are the most important “work” I will ever do. How will my little masterpieces turn out? Who will they be? What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? The responsibility is great but the rewards are even greater.

At the time of this writing, I am 11 ½ years into parenthood. My mother has been parenting for 46 years now! With each passing year, as my kids get older and new experiences come our way, I also get to know…and RESPECT and APPRECIATE…my own mother more and more. My mom gives so much of herself to me and my kids (or I should say “our kids” as they really are hers, too! Becoming a grandparent is a whole new level of evolution of a person but I will save that topic for later.) Have you heard this one: “life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” Ain’t that the truth?! (It’s a good thing, too, because I am terrible with manuals!) I call my mom about all questions kid related, I check in with her before contacting the doctors and she is definitely on my speed dial when I need to brag up my babies!

You know something else that is great about my mom (and yours, too…. I’m sure) is that she still likes the things I make for her!! So this year… one little treat I’ve come up with for my special mom is ….. Homemade Coconut Oil Face Cream. I’ve been using coconut oil on my own face for several months now and I LOVE the how soft and smooth my skin feels. For mom, I took it one step further and one step is really all there is to it.


*I previously ordered this coconut oil and this doTerra essential oil from (I love Amazon because, as a very inpatient person, I am all about the 2 day shipping for Prime members.)

coconut oil face cream *I placed about a cup or so (no need for exact measurements here) of coconut oil into a mixing bowl and added about 5-6 drops of the essential oil. You can use whatever scent you like with regards to the essential oil and you may want to choose something that is supposed to specifically address your own health wants/needs.

*I then used a hand mixer and whipped it up into a nice whippy-creamy texture.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! If you have other great recipes for natural face creams and/or body lotions I’d love to hear all about it!